Divrigi Ulu Cami - Sivas

Divriği Great Mosque and Hospital is an ornately decorated mosque and hospital complex built in 1228–1229 by the local dynasty of the Mengujekids in the small Anatolian town of Divriği, now in Sivas Province, Turkey. The complex is located in the upper town, below the citadel.

The T-Pillar

The interior of the hospital, which is next to the cami, consists of rooms and iwans placed around a covered courtyard with a small pool in the center. The hospital has a second story on its southern side which is reached by a staircase just inside the entrance. One of the rooms of the hospital was dedicated to serve as a dynastic tomb chamber. 

Moon Flowers

Different in design from the north portal of the mosque, the hospital portal is framed by a monumental pointed arch and features a window in the center. The stone carving here is of the same quality as the main mosque portal but is less dense and appears, in certain places, to be unfinished.

The Mihrab

The Mihrab, framed by two mighty bulges, is spatially related to the north portal and adopts some of the decorative forms from there, such as the complex capitals projecting at the lateral edges.

Eminönü Camileri


Amman-Beenker Tiling